Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls: Alamere Falls
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If you are anything like me this title drew you in because it made you think of TLC… ‘Don’t go chasing waterfalls’, anybody? Alamere Falls is by far it is my personal favorite. This article will walk you through how to get the trail and give you a more personal side of me!
I first took up hiking when I moved to California to help me clear my head. If you read my ABOUT ME you know 2017-2018 was a whirlwind for me! I stumbled upon Alamere Falls through an app I use The Nudge. It always sends me fun things to do in and around San Francisco.
When I got this ‘Nudge’ it could not have had better timing. I had recently quit my job and had no future plans. So, what better way to find yourself then to get out of the city and into the middle of no where?
I hopped in my Mini Cooper put the top down and headed north. The drive is about an hour and a half outside of SF. It’s a beautiful mix between water views and green rolling pastures on a winding mountainous road. The road is accurately named ‘Panoramic Drive’ and it does not disappoint. As you are winding through farms and cow pastures you will eventually get to a shell rock road, keep going. Just a heads up I went back and forth between having service along the drive. You will know you have arrived when you see the cars in the parking lot. Doesn’t matter the day of the week, Alamere Falls hike is a hot spot and you will not be alone.

The hike is 8 miles, little inclines here and there but no major uphill or downhills until you get to the waterfalls. There is a peaceful shaded walk that puts you on a cliff next to the ocean. Hearing the ocean crash against the rocks and the beach brings quiet in my busy mind, exactly what I needed, and I wasn’t even at the waterfall yet. About 3.5 miles (rough guess) you will find rocks organized into an arrow shape. Follow the arrow into the bushes (6+Feet tall) with a little cut out.
** Rewind to the beginning, where a nice older man told me the arrow takes you to the falls. If he didn’t tell me I probably would have kept going straight and missed all the fun. **
The arrow points you into the woods/shrubs that are taller than most people. This makes you think twice, especially half way through the shrubs where the cut out gets smaller. Keep going just remember you are here for the waterfalls. Finally, you get out of the shrubs and there is a cliff where you walk down a steep path. Here it takes you to 3 water falls flowing over the edge into a huge 40+ foot waterfall on the beach.

The ledge you are on is the top of the BIG waterfall. Before you decide to head down the cliff, take a minute to listen to the ocean at the top and enjoy the view. If you have read any of my other hikes, you know I solely hike for the view, the workout is a bonus but I need an end goal of beauty to really get me out there. One of only two in California. This makes me be present in the busy, crazy world that we all live in. All you can think is the beauty of the world.

Don’t get too comfortable yet, if you came here to see the ‘BIG’ one, you still have a cliff to get down! I thought twice about going down. But, once you see so many people at the bottom and you watch people go before you. You can do it. While I was there I saw people of all ages and sizes do it. My advice is to scooch down the cliff on your booty.
Once your toes hit the sand you can look over and see Alamere Falls up close and personal. I had never seen a waterfall this big and this close in person. The pictures barely do this waterfall justice and to see it feeding the ocean is an added piece of beauty. All throughout the trail there is a lake or two but I still do not know where this water comes from and that is the part that makes it so magical, to me at least.
When I hike alone, I do it to find peace, even if it is just for a little bit. It helps me clear my head, be present, but more importantly helps me get lost in nature and connect with the earth. It makes me feel small and my worries even smaller. Coming to this waterfall all the loud noises and voices quieted and I was at peace. Sounds cheesy I know.
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Take pics of the waterfall, relax on the beach. I recommend bringing snacks for a little break because this hike is a long one and you still have a cliff to climb up and a gorgeous hike back. Climbing the cliff was easier than I thought. I put my head down, stepped where others before me did and somehow ended up at the top again. The hike back is equally as beautiful and peaceful. I don’t know about you but after scaling a cliff and surviving I felt accomplished!
On a more personal note: Alamere Falls, gave me direction and courage. I came home and started dissecting what is important to me as opposed to what job I want next or what company I want to be a part of. Being in the presence of something so immense and majestic reminds me of how small I am in this big world. It also put’s things into perspective and made me feel like I can do anything.
I hope you decided to take this hike, whether you do it alone or with friends, it is an adventure. When you do share your adventure with me! I know I will be back to do it again with friends or the next time I am feeling lost in this big city. Alamere Falls is by far my favorite hike because of its beauty (obviously), walking on cliffs near the ocean to being in the shaded woods, sitting on the beach at the half way point listening to the water. This hike has everything you need. Enjoy!
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