What do I wear? San Francisco
Mark Twain said, ‘The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco’. <img src="https://tiffertime.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/How-to-pack-for_-San-Francisco-nvbbwr59wiq8xgfdnfsrt0lhqx5ew6tstdnza2jeaw.png" title="Packing for San Francisco" alt="List of What to Pack each Season in San Francisco" /> This being said, I have come up with the list of the main staples you need to pack for San Francisco. By no means would I say my summer in San Francisco was the coldest winter I have ever survived. But, I would say it has been my coldest summer. Needless to say, the weather is all out of whack here, or should I say not what you would expect. I don’t know about you, but when I…